1. Project management: Italian Government Office for Sport, with a strong participative contribution by Università Cattolica (within an existing long term cooperation agreement), will supervise/coordinate the whole management process, which will take place in Rome;
  2. Research (Understand): Catholic University, with significant contributions by each co-applicant and specifically by Unioncamere, will develop a standard Qualitative Analysis through Interviews and Focus Groups, which will be the basis to conceive and develop an innovative Integrated Synoptic Frame on Match-Fixing Issue;
  3. Coordination Room (Share-Replicate): Catholic University – given the withdrawal of UNICRI - will move from its very solid network (which includes for instance already UNODC and UNESCO units engaged in the anti-match fixing fight and ICSS) and will integrate it through specific additional professional know-hows and through those of the Office for Sport and Transparency International, in order to manage the permanent process of selecting the European practices functional to develop the model to be tested in Italy and to prepare the ground for its EU local declination;
  4. Private Public Permanent Integrated Procedure for Prevention (Methodize): the Office for Sport, in strict cooperation with Unioncamere Italia/Europa, will lead the optimization process of the existing cooperation mechanisms between sport operators, public authorities and police forces, to generate an integrated information and prevention procedure;
  5. Protected Reporting Channel (Methodize): Transparency International Italy, which has a relevant track record in this sector, together with specialists in sport anonymous reporting, with Catholic University and Unioncamere, will conceive it; while the Palermo Commerce Chamber will pilot-test it;
  6. Communication Management: the communication process, both internal and external, will be a crucial factor for success. Specialized resources have been dedicated with an own management process, conducted by the Office